Make sure your friendships are supportive and reliable… so they’ll go the distance.

Check out Huffington Post article that featured my quotes

Caroline Bologna wrote a terrific article for Huffington Post,  8 Signs Your Friendship Is Strong And Will Last, which featured many friendship experts, including myself.  She did a terrific job pulling all our different ideas together on the topic of “8 Signs Your Friendship Is Strong And Will Last.”

Here are some of my quotes for her article:

“A very important sign of a good friend is the one who is there to help you celebrate your successes,” said Glenda Shaw, author of Better You, Better Friends.”

“The friends who are able to overcome any incipient envy and bring forth some heartfelt excitement for your success ― your golden award, your just-published book, your new house or spouse ― are joining you in an important moment in your life,” Shaw said. “They’re letting you know that your friendship matters to them.”

How intimacy is born from conflict!

Another of my quotes from Bologna’s article, “8 signs… Your Friendships will Last”:

“Intimacy is born from conflict,” Shaw said. “The point isn’t to have friendships without conflict ― the point is how we work through these challenges. And when you talk over a challenging situation or circumstance with a friend, remember to listen to their point of view, to offer your feedback generously, and, most importantly, to be willing to adjust your own behavior. This is how our relationships can grow and thrive.”

The importance of Showing Up for a friend

Another quote from Bologna’s article with my quote about showing up:

“It is always a good sign in a friendship when a person truly shows up for you when you are mentally or physically vulnerable,” Shaw said. “Think about the people who stay in contact with you when you’re sick, who call to check on you and who deliver nourishing food so that you don’t have to cook.”

“This is about the people who stay the course whenever you’re going through a tough time,” Shaw added. “In one research study of 3,000 women with breast cancer, it was shown that these women were most likely to survive this disease if they had close friends to rely on during the course of their illness.”

Taking risks to becoming closer to friends is important!

Another of my quotes from Bologna’s article:

“One of the best signs in a friendship is when, as an act of love, a friend takes the risk of telling you something that they know might hurt you,” Shaw said. “One time I couldn’t go out partying with friends, and my then-beau hit on a good friend of mine. The next day, she came to see me, and she gently told me what had happened. It was as difficult for her to tell me this as it was for me to hear it ― but she knew that I needed to hear it. And I did!”

“If you select friends you can trust, then they will look out for your best interests,” she said.


Thank you:

Pic 1. Giving a shoutout to Liz Weddon – Photo by Liz Weddon on Unsplash

Pic 2. Giving a shoutout to Omar Lopez – Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

Pic 3. Giving a shoutout to Jed Villejo – Photo by Jed Villejo on Unsplash

#friendships #resolvingconflict #friends #betteryoubetterfriends #glendadshaw